你想購買PIXOSTYLE iPhone 4/S 個性潮流彩殼 DGPH嗎?

PIXOSTYLE iPhone 4/S 個性潮流彩殼 DGPH

PIXOSTYLE iPhone 4/S 個性潮流彩殼 DGPH

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  • 網路價$990



    PIXOSTYLE iPhone 4/S 個性潮流彩殼 DGPH

















    來自阿根廷的 Martin Lowenstein 與 Diego Vaisberg,在2005年成立了一個橫跨多領域的潮流藝術團隊-DGPH。 他們以獨特的風格,在工業設計、時裝、藝術、玩具...等,各種不同的領域中嶄露頭角。台灣區全經紀授權由出色創意代理。

    源源不斷的創作活力讓DGPH也迅速竄紅於國際設計圈,很快地就被具有影響力的設計媒體IDN 與 PICTOPLASMA關注。運動品牌 NIKE 也看中DGPH創作實力與其在阿根廷的影響力,在近期的 "DUNK BE TRUE" Project,與DGPH在布宜諾斯艾利斯的NIKE旗艦店共同合作。

    Martin Lowenstein and Diego Vaisberg are come from Argentina, established a trendy design team named DGPH. They came up conspicuously by unique style in industrial design, fashion, fine art, toys and so on. Pumpkin Creative Inc. is DGPH’s exclusive agent in Taiwan.

    The constant flow of creative energy make DPGH quickly became popular in the international design. Be interested by powerful media IDN and PICTOPLASMA. Famous sporty brand NIKE also looks good at DGPH’s creative ability and their influence in Argentina. Recent project “DUNK BE TRUE “is the cooperation with NIKE flagship store in Buenos Aires.

    R 插畫類 潮流公仔系列 / Illustration Trendy toys
    在近幾年設計師玩具熱潮下,DGPH陸續受玩具大廠邀約合作,先是與知名玩具品牌C.I. BOY推出Moles Town(可愛動物)與 Dark Moles(黑暗海怪)的盒抽玩具系列,打響在公仔玩具圈內的名號;後又與美國設計師玩具名店Ningyoushi推出聯名限量錢鼠公仔TOPO Joe。 而國際潮流公仔大廠adFunture 也在去年底也找上DGPH推出DGPH旗下極受歡迎的Mr. TOPO錢鼠先生與Berenjena茄子怪。並在2008年推出Berenjena茄子怪的獨家草莓口味版本於台灣PhalanX

    Under the fever of designer toys in recent years, DGPH is invited in succession by famous toy companies. First, with the will-known toy brand C.I BOY, DGPH design two series toy Moles Town (cute animals) and Dark Moles (dark sea monster). It shows their name in designer toy field. Then, DGPH cooperated with famous American designer toy store Ningyoushi bring out co-branded TOPO toy named TOPO Joe. Afterward, international trendy toys company adFunture also invited DGPH to bring out their famous character Mr. TOPO and Berenjena and Berenjena in Strawberry limited version in 2008 PhanlanX.

    R 插畫類 潮流插畫系列 / Illustration Trendy painting
    DGPH style的幽默、可愛流線的造型與潮流感,近年在設計潮流圈倍受矚目,作品中總是充滿意想不到的趣味情結,其中由DGPH最受歡迎的角色TOPO(錢鼠)領軍,還有Berejena草莓怪、Sri mole象神、Cabello住在孤島易怒的雙頭怪!帶大家進入他們的快樂動物王國。許多可愛造型角色也由平面發展成商品與玩具系列。

    DGPH is celebrated by their humor, cute and trendy style. In their designs, we can always find out many unexpected fun. Especially one of DGPH’s famous characters TOPO. Others like Berejena(Stawberry monster)Sri mole(Elephant god),Cabello (double heads monster in island) are all take us into their happy animal kingdom. Many cute characters are developed to merchandizes and toys from graphic designs.




    魅力風格最前線,蘋果 iPhone 4 潮流彩殼搶眼入手!


    現在,擁有一支 iPhone 已不算什麼,但能搭配出專屬個人風格的PIXOSTLYE時尚彩殼,酷炫潮流一手掌握,搶眼魅力由你主打!





    PIXOSTYLE is a team of open-minded, energetic and creative young entrepreneurs who persuades uncommon and stylish designed products for our fans. Our talented artists are from Taiwan, Japan, Hong-Kong and Argentina. We love to embraces innovation and offers original artwork with the sole intention of satisfying your desires. Due to the strong affection for environment, spare no efforts to reduce the pollutions and waste in manufacturing processes and package. We do believe in excellent products may made by our hand, but truly uniqueness inspired from our heart.




    Clean 低油墨;Recycle 可回收;Light 輕量化
    PIXOSTYLE 每年生產的眾百款商品都是以更環保的目標而製造生產,因為我們相信更少的浪費才能打造更美的地球。如果你喜歡我們的產品,邀請您一同減少使用過度包裝的產品,讓你我在享受高科技的時代,採取對地球低污染的友善呵護。

    Clean, less inks; Recycle, reusable materials; Light, decrease packaging.
    Hundred products of PIXOSTYLE every year are manufactured for less pollution and environmental issue. More resources we save, more beautiful surroundings we can have. If you like our idea, please support us by buying low polluted and less packing merchandise. Let us enjoy the benefits from high technology and never forget to cherish our motherland - La terre.



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